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Swifty Swine Pig Races

Date: Aug 28 - Aug 31, 2025
The little piggies spend their youth at the racetrack, but never fail to bring home the bacon. Their
careers last a single season before they eat themselves out of a job. They're known as the "Swifty Swine
Racing & Swimming Pigs". While some little piggies hang out in a muddy barnyard getting fat for their trip to
the stockyards, Swifty Swine Productions, Racing Pigs are busy shaken the bacon around a 150' oval track at
some of the nation's biggest fairs, festivals, and special events. These little porkers pound the turf at a blazing
15mph, and all for an Oreo cookie! The winner gets the cookie the loser gets the crumbs.
Your audiences will go hog wild as little Swifty (the swimming pig) plunges into the tank in an effort
to break the current world record.
Surprising to some these little pigs travel 11 months a year and appear before millions of people. They
criss cross the country in their shiny red trailer equipped with amenities not found in any barnyard. These little
superstars enjoy such luxuries as air conditioning, heating, and their very own piggy potty. There's even color
TV and stereo for the pigs leisure time.
They are bathed daily by their handlers and while in training chow down or should we say pig out on
high protein pig pellets, keeping them in top condition. If this isn't enough they are visited promptly every 30
days by a veterinarian who checks them over snout to tail and updates travel documents. Their every need is
attended to by their handlers who are at their side 24 hours a day.
Watch for these exciting little porkers at your local fair or festival. Billed as Swifty Swine Racing &
Swimming Pigs, America's cleanest and fastest pigs.
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Swifty Swine Pig Races
Aug 28 - Aug 31, 2025
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